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Metabolism Help is a telemedicine service where you can send a problem with your metabolic problem to a Metabolic therapist via app. You can use the service anytime (including weekends) and anywhere (including outside Germany)....

All your data is processed and secured exclusively on servers in Germany (Frankfurt am Main) in accordance with data protection. The assessing metabolism Therapeut only receives the medical information relevant to him/her in order to make the diagnosis

Your personal data (name, date of birth, address, etc.) are pseudonymised and stored separately in encrypted form. In the case of a recommedation, this is filled out by hand by the doctor. Further information can be found in our Data protection declaration

All doctors and Metabolism therapists who treat you at Metabolic Help are in Germany and thus have extensive longtime experience in this field. We ensure a high quality of diagnoses through our additional medical expert panel and weekly case conferences.What exactly does the diagnosis and treatment recommendation looklike.

You will receive a detailed metabolism therapeut or doctor's letter about your Metabolic change. This means that the disease and therapy recommendation are described precisely and understandably. Thus, you know which disease or Metabolism Problem has been diagnosed and how it is to be treated. Furthermore, this document facilitates future communication with your family doctor. In addition, we provide you with a lot of metabolic tipps and tricks free of charge. Here you can get more detailed information about your diagnosis if needed.Is the camera in my phone egnough for the doctor to make a diagnosis

Almost all cameras of today's smartphones are suitable for dermanostic. A total of three photos are taken from different distances and angles. The file formats JPG are uploaded. If the photo quality is not sufficient for the doctor, you will be informed via the app that new photos are needed. This ensures that the diagnosis is always based on good photo quality. you have questions We have answers! We want you as a patient to feel comfortable and to be as informed as possible about us and our digital treatment. That is why we have listed frequently asked questions about general, cost and data protection issues.